Welcome to the ZRx MCDM tool!
ZRx MCDM (Multiple-Criteria Decision Making) tool is developed as a highly flexible, user-friendly and powerful decision support tool. The tool has been designed to facilitate the application of local MCDM in health care and has been developed based on published and established MCDM methods.
The key information relevant to the decision problem, including the defined alternatives, criteria and weightings, needs to be manually added to the ZRx MCDM tool by the registered user. Once this has been done, various analyses can be generated as outputs to support the defined decision. It is important to verify that the aggregate scores estimated reflect the expectations of stakeholders. Also, there may be substantial disagreement within a group of stakeholders around the details of a decision and so it may be necessary to analyze more than one formulation of a decision problem.
ZRx MCDM tool enables registered users to define models, prepare and send invitations to the polls to the potential participants and to conduct analyses by specific methods.
Show this screen when the tool starts
Create new
Open existing
Criteria & Comparison
Modules can't be switched on or off while poll answers for the model are being collected (Active poll status).

If you need to make changes to the structure of the model please open Settings from the Model menu and switch status to draft. If you have already collected all the answers to the poll, you can set the status to archived, to be able to switch the modules on or off.
Selection of pages for the poll
Please select which pages and data to include in the poll for this model:
Criteria importance comparison
Alternatives performance matrix
Model Settings
Model Status
Poll Invitations
Export Polls
Model Status
Draft status is the initial status of the model. Only while the model is a draft, you can change its structure, by adding new, deleting or editing existing alternatives and criteria. All other parameters of the model, related to performances and importance of the criteria, as well as the parameters specific for each of the methods you wish to use with this model, should also be set in a draft model. Note that the selected group of active methods can be changed only while a model is in the draft status (e.g. switch from the group of methods: Hurwicz, SLAM, MAVT, ELECTRE to the AHP method, or vice versa).
Active poll status signifies that your model is ready for data collection. After the model parameters are set and the model saved, active poll status becomes available. You should change model status to active poll and fill in the poll list with appropriate information to be able to send invites to the potential poll participants.
It isn't possible to switch back to the "draft" status (which allows changing the structure of the model) when the poll is active and at least one answer have arrived. To enable the draft status, it is necessary to go to the "Poll invitations" tab and delete all the answers that have already arrived.
It isn't possible to switch back to the "active poll" status and reactivate the collection of the answers to the poll, due to the changes made to the model structure.
Archived status becomes available after at least one of the participants answers the poll for the active model (one completed survey). You should archive the model after you have received all the necessary answers. Once archived, a model is closed for any additional answers to the poll and its structure can’t be edited.
Selected model status:
Active Poll
Poll pages: Comparison & Performance
Add Poll Group
Poll Invitations
Insert list
Send invitations
Poll pages: Comparison & Performance
Add Participants
Active Methods
Selected methods to be included in the model:
Insert Custom
Add Options
Order by importance
It is possible to add up to 9 options
Add/Overwrite Options
Add as new
set of answers
Overwrite existing
set of answers
Add Criterion
Criteria importance comparison
Number of sub pages
Which of the two criteria is more important to you and by how much would you give up on the other criterion?
100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
OK / Next pair
OK / Next pair
Performance matrix
Show rescaled
Minimum and maximum values
Minimum and maximum values
Univariate sensitivity
Number of sub pages
Number of sub pages
Global values
VAS Weights
Univariate sensitivity analysis on the weight assigned to criterion:
MAVT - Value function
Number of sub pages
Overall values
VAS Weights
Univariate sensitivity analysis on the weight assigned to criterion:
VIP MinMax values
Confrontation & max regret
Min val
Max val
VIP MinMax values
Confrontation & max regret
ELECTRE - Weights and thresholds
Results Matrix
Alternatives compared with respect to criterion:
Number of sub pages
Alternatives ranking
This tool is helping you to make decisions considering multiple criteria in decision-making environments
www.outcomesresearch.ca vzah@outcomesresearch.ca
Selected model status:
Click to access option and features of the model.
Selected model status:
Click to access option and features of the model.
Alternatives are all the significant options or choices, which should be considered in the specific decision-making process.
Adding, editing or deleting alternatives is possible only in a draft model (before starting the poll).
Keep using the term “Alternatives” or change it to something more specific for your model.
You can add as many alternatives as you want. Predefined text (e.g. Alternative 1 and A1) is editable and you can replace it with appropriate alternatives for your model (e.g. depression, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, cardiovascular etc.). Short names are used for better readability in tables and charts, throughout the tool.
Criteria are used to evaluate alternatives in the specific decision-making process. Adding, editing or deleting criteria is possible only in a draft model (before starting the poll).
You can add as many criteria as you want. Predefined text (e.g. C1 and Criterion 1) is editable and you can replace it with appropriate criteria for your model.
Criteria with continuous domains (amount, number, percent) can be set to any value within the specified min/max interval. Criteria with the discrete domains can be set only to the specific, predefined values for their domains, and therefore their minimum and maximum values aren’t editable.
Using the arrow button near Min/Max fields, declare whether the minimum (arrow down) or maximum (arrow up) value/option is more desirable for the particular criterion.
Determine how important each criterion is, compared to the other criteria in your model.
Criteria importance comparison table is initially prefilled with the equally distributed single pairwise criteria comparison values. These individual values are used to calculate the appropriate weight of each criterion (all weights per criterion in the model must sum up to 1). To modify the importance of each pair of criteria in your model, you can use the Pairwise Comparison.

Note: If you only have specific weights per criteria, and can't make the pairwise comparison, you can change the weights directly in the weights input fields. It is important to make sure that the sum of weights is equal to 1. Otherwise, you will notice that saving the model and navigation to other pages of the tool are disabled.
To modify the importance of each criterion, compared to another criterion, you can use the Pairwise Comparison VAS (Visual-Analogue Scale). The comparison is actually changed after you confirm the edit using the OK/Next pair button. If you simply move the slider and close the scale without confirmation, the comparison will remain unchanged.
You can also click on the individual value in the Criteria importance comparison table to compare that specific pair of criteria.
The performance of each alternative in the model depends on the assigned criteria.
In the Performance matrix table you can set value for each alternative per criterion.
Numeric input fields (for continuous domains, such as amount, number or percent), allow simple numeric entries, to evaluate an alternative according to a particular criterion. Alternative with specific discrete criterion (e.g. Poor, Fair, Good or Very good) can be evaluated by selection of the appropriate option from the drop-down.
To review the recalculated performances, used to estimate appropriate numeric values for calculations, switch to the rescaled table view.

ZRx MCDM model is a scenario which completely defines a specific decision-making process. Model structure is very flexible in ZRx MCDM, so that it can be very simple (with only the list of criteria or alternatives), but it can also be consisted of a fully defined structure (alternatives and criteria), weightings and selected decision-making methods.
Use Create New tab to add a new model. List of existing models is also available for your review.
On the Open Existing tab you can open a model you want to work with. You can also delete a model that is no longer necessary for you or anyone else in your organization or group. The model can’t be deleted while opened.
Model(s) opened by other users(s) in your organization or group are marked with the closed-lock icon. Opened-lock icon marks the model that you open.

Note that, when you try to open the same model in several instances (e.g. on several devices), the tool will raise a warning message. To avoid losing any of your edits, it is recommended to save changes made in one instance and close the model, before opening the same model in another instance.
Modules available in ZRx MCDM are:

1. Alternatives
You can choose to activate and work only with the Alternatives module. In that case, usage of the tool is limited to simple entry of the list of alternatives.

2. Criteria & comparison
You can also choose to work only with the Criteria & comparison module, in which case you can define the list of criteria and set their importance, by making pairwise comparisons.

3. Performance
Performance module is used to evaluate each alternative per criterion, and for that reason this module can only be enabled if both Alternatives and Criteria & comparison modules are active.

4. Methods
Methods module allows you to choose and conduct analyses by specific methods. Analyses are using the fully defined model structure (alternatives, criteria and weightings), so this module can only be enabled when all other modules are active.
Choose which analyses by specific methods will be conducted in your model.

Note that methods are available either in a group (like Hurwicz, SLAM, MAVT, ELECTRE) or as a single method (AHP). This is due to the different data structure, required by the specific analyses.
The Hurwicz method strikes a balance between choosing an alternative based on its best and its worst values across criteria. This method introduces a coefficient of realism (α), which represents the probability of selecting the best outcome with certainty.
This method was originally designed for addressing choice problems under uncertainty, in the context of game theory.
SLAM (Simple Linear Additive Model) is the most commonly value-based measurement model used in HTA. This method is appropriate for addressing ranking problems.
It is necessary to elicit preferences or weights associated with decision-making criteria. Once the weights attached to criteria are derived, the performance of alternatives across criteria is valued. For each alternative, a global value is calculated as the sum of the weighed performance across criteria. Finally, the global value is used for the rank ordering of alternatives from the highest to the lowest.
MAVT (Multi-Attribute Value Theory) method belongs to the family of value-based measurement models. It is appropriate for addressing both choice and ranking problems. The goal of this approach is to compute a global score for each competing alternative.

MAVT involves three steps:
Step 1 deals with the construction of a partial value function for each decision criterion. A value function can be defined as a tool that helps to measure decision-makers’ intensity of preference between the levels of a scale or descriptor.
Step 2 is to assess the relative importance of the criteria.
Step 3 consists in combining partial values and weights following the additive aggregation mechanism.
ELECTRE (“ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité”, Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality) method can be used to address choice, ranking and sorting problems, under certain conditions. This method represents an alternative to the value-based measurement methods (SLAM and MAVT) when the decision-making must be based on at last three criteria, some of the criteria are measured on an ordinal scale, and compensation is not acceptable in the decision-making process. The unique feature of ELECTRE method is that the competing alternatives are compared pairwise. Through these pairwise comparisons, the decision makers’ preferences are captured using binary outranking relations, meaning ‘at least good as’. Once constructed, the outranking relations are exploited based on the type of problems.

In ZRx MCDM tool, the method used is ELECTRE IS, an extension of ELECTRE I, and it’s a method designed to help to select a single (best) alternative or a reduced set of non-dominated alternatives.
AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is a structured method for organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on mathematics and psychology. AHP helps decision makers find a decision that best suits their goal and their understanding of the problem. It provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a decision problem, for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions.
Model settings allow you to:
- define the current phase in model development, by setting the model status,
- define groups of potential participants to the poll for the model,
- prepare and send the poll invitations and
- export data received in the poll.

A model status is determined by the current progress in model development and data collection. By its status, a model can be:
- Draft - indicating that the user can fill in all the input values, such as model structure and weightings, but still can't gather the results of the survey.
- Active poll - indicating that the model is opened for survey and that data is currently being collected from the participants invited to the poll.
- Archived- indicating that data collection for that model is completed, and that the model is closed for editing. At this point, the model can only be analyzed using all available methods

Each time that a model status is changed, that model is saved with all the edits made to it by that point.

When a model is just created, it will always initially have the draft status.
Only while the model is a draft, you can change its structure.
If the model is active you can go back and make it draft again, but only until there are no collected answers to the poll for that model. Every time that the model is switched from the active poll status back to draft, and its structure is changed, it is necessary to invite the potential participants to the poll to answer it, even if you have sent invitations to the same participants before editing the structure of alternatives and criteria. This way, only the answers to the latest and final structure of your model will be saved, avoiding confusion between an outdated and current structure of your alternatives and criteria.
A model status is determined by the current progress in model development and data collection. By its status, a model can be:
- Draft - indicating that the user can fill in all the input values, such as model structure and weightings, but still can't gather the results of the survey.
- Active poll - indicating that the model is opened for survey and that data is currently being collected from the participants invited to the poll.
- Archived- indicating that data collection for that model is completed, and that the model is closed for editing. At this point, the model can only be analyzed using all available methods

Each time that a model status is changed, that model is saved with all the edits made to it by that point.

When a model is just created, it will always initially have the draft status.
Only while the model is a draft, you can change its structure.
If the model is active you can go back and make it draft again, but only until there are no collected answers to the poll for that model. Every time that the model is switched from the active poll status back to draft, and its structure is changed, it is necessary to invite the potential participants to the poll to answer it, even if you have sent invitations to the same participants before editing the structure of alternatives and criteria. This way, only the answers to the latest and final structure of your model will be saved, avoiding confusion between an outdated and current structure of your alternatives and criteria.
All potential participants to the poll can be organized in groups, depending on the specifics of the model.
Some of the groups are predefined, and they are automatically available for all models. If you need some specific groups for your model, you can add them.

If you don’t want to list all the recipients of your poll invitations (Poll Invitations tab), you don’t have to. You can simply copy URL for the group and send it to the participants that belong to that group. That way, invited participants will add themselves to the poll list simply by accessing the URL and logging-in. Each participant that logs into the poll using the provided URL will be assigned to the specific group, for which the URL is generated.
All potential participants to the poll can be organized in groups, depending on the specifics of the model.
Some of the groups are predefined, and they are automatically available for all models. If you need some specific groups for your model, you can add them.

If you don’t want to list all the recipients of your poll invitations (Poll Invitations tab), you don’t have to. You can simply copy URL for the group and send it to the participants that belong to that group. That way, invited participants will add themselves to the poll list simply by accessing the URL and logging-in. Each participant that logs into the poll using the provided URL will be assigned to the specific group, for which the URL is generated.
Prepare the list of participants and send them invitations to the poll.

There are two ways to prepare the list of potential participants:
1. To add the contact information, select appropriate group and country.
2. To import a pre-prepared list of the potential participants.

After filling in the list, the invitations are ready to be sent.

Status of poll invitations can be:
- Draft, meaning that invitation hasn’t been sent to that participant.
- Invited, after the invitation was sent.
- Accessed, when the participant accesses the poll, but doesn’t submit the answer.
- Submitted, after the participant submits answer to the poll.

Any of the submitted answers can be deleted, if necessary.
Since participants can answer the poll at any time, the list of participants can be refreshed, to show the up-to-date statuses.
Prepare the list of participants and send them invitations to the poll.

There are two ways to prepare the list of potential participants:
1. To add the contact information, select appropriate group and country.
2. To import a pre-prepared list of the potential participants.

After filling in the list, the invitations are ready to be sent.

Status of poll invitations can be:
- Draft, meaning that invitation hasn’t been sent to that participant.
- Invited, after the invitation was sent.
- Accessed, when the participant accesses the poll, but doesn’t submit the answer.
- Submitted, after the participant submits answer to the poll.

Any of the submitted answers can be deleted, if necessary.
Since participants can answer the poll at any time, the list of participants can be refreshed, to show the up-to-date statuses.
Check who submitted the answer to the poll and export the answers.
Answers can either be exported as an MS Excel file, or entire table can be copy/pasted into any file format (MS Word, simple text file etc.).
Choose which data to export: all collected poll data, answers from the specific group, or answer from one particular participant.
Check who submitted the answer to the poll and export the answers.
Answers can either be exported as an MS Excel file, or entire table can be copy/pasted into any file format (MS Word, simple text file etc.).
Choose which data to export: all collected poll data, answers from the specific group, or answer from one particular participant.
Draft status is the initial status of the model. Only while the model is a draft, you can change its structure, by adding new, deleting or editing existing alternatives and criteria. All other parameters of the model, related to performances and importance of the criteria, as well as the parameters specific for each of the methods you wish to use with this model, should also be set in a draft model. Note that the selected group of active methods can be changed only while a model is in the draft status (e.g. switch from the group of methods: Hurwicz, SLAM, MAVT, ELECTRE to the AHP method, or vice versa).
Active poll status signifies that your model is ready for data collection. After the model parameters are set and the model saved, active poll status becomes available. You should change model status to active poll and fill in the poll list with appropriate information to be able to send invites to the potential poll participants.
Active poll status signifies that your model is ready for data collection. After the model parameters are set and the model saved, active poll status becomes available. You should change model status to active poll and fill in the poll list with appropriate information to be able to send invites to the potential poll participants.
Active poll status signifies that your model is ready for data collection. After the model parameters are set and the model saved, active poll status becomes available. You should change model status to active poll and fill in the poll list with appropriate information to be able to send invites to the potential poll participants.
Archived status becomes available after at least one of the participants answers the poll for the active model (one completed survey). You should archive the model after you have received all the necessary answers. Once archived, a model is closed for any additional answers to the poll and its structure can’t be edited.
Weights are manually adjusted and their values may not match with the criteria comparison. After "Pairwise comparison" is started, weights will be reset to the values calculated using criteria comparison.
*To obtain valid results, weights per criterion must sum up to 1.
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